Seeing Through The Eyes of the Spirit
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Heb. 12:2
One of the key components of Mining for Gold is learning to see people the way God sees them. Learning to see people through the eyes of the Spirit is foundational to being able to draw out the gold inside them. It is easier said than done.
It is difficult to see the gold in others if we have conflict with them or their gold is buried under lots of hurt, unforgiveness or sinful patterns. Sometimes it’s hardest to see gold in the people closest to us, like our family members.
When I am doing a coaching session with someone I specifically pray, “Father give me your eyes for (Their name). Let me see them the way you see them.” Over and over God has answered that prayer and helped me see treasure I could never have seen with natural eyes. Often the person could not see the gold in themselves either, but God showed it to us.
In God’s family, each person is valuable, treasured and loved unconditionally. He sees their gold and knows what kind of masterpiece He made them to be. To Mine for Gold we need a new set of eyes. We must humbly ask God to teach us how to see the way He sees.
The best way I know to learn to do this is to look to Jesus. Jesus is our eternal example of how to see people. Jesus always saw the sick and the broken with loving clarity. He saw them with the Father’s perfect heart. The woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, Peter as he denied his Lord, and Paul on the road to Damascus. Jesus saw each of them with grace and truth. He saw the gold in them despite the dirt and debris that surrounded it.
He saw them the way the Father saw the prodigal son when he returned from living with the pigs: with compassion, joy and celebration. He treasured his son who was lost and had come home. How beautiful. God give us eyes to see like this!Jesus wants to teach us how to do this, to see with the Father’s eyes. Listen to His words in John 15:19-20
“Jesus gave them this answer:
“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.”
We don’t have to wonder how to see with God’s eyes. We simply need to look at Jesus. His life reflects the Father’s heart for every person, no matter how broken or confused. Seeing the way Jesus sees changes everything, and opens up doors for miraculous things to happen. He shows us diamonds in the dust.
How do we apply this to our everyday lives?
Think of people as if they are members of God’s family. See them as fellow brothers and sisters in the family of God. That’s how Jesus sees them. He is our older brother, the Firstborn of many brethren.
Jesus sees through the lens of unfailing agape love. This is what makes Mining for Gold work. Love helps us see value where others see dross and debris.
Look at Jesus when:
- You’re not sure how to love an imperfect family member.
- You’ve closed your heart off from a co-worker.
- You have run out of grace for another’s sin patterns
- You don’t know how to connect or guide a teenager.
- You have failed someone or someone has failed you and you wonder if things can be restored.
- You want to see people with huge issues restored, transformed and set free
In every situation, and in every relationship, there is one surefire solution to see as the Father sees. Look at Jesus. Ask the Spirit to give you Jesus’ heart for the person or problem. Jesus sees what the Father is doing, and He will help you to hear the Father’s heart. He sees value and will teach you how to draw out the gold. Rest in this: Looking at Jesus changes everything. Look full in His wonderful face!