Divine Fingerprint: An Invitation
Who am I, and what has God created me to do?
These are the deepest and most important questions we often ask ourselves. We want to know the answers so that we can find our place in life, leadership and ministry. We suspect that when we align what we do with who God has made us to be, things go much better for us and others. We are more fulfilled, alive and thrive when we lead and serve out of our sweet spot - the centre of who we really are.
As we try to understand ourselves better, there are lots of tools good leaders turn to. Myers Briggs, DISC, Strengthsfinder, and the Enneagram amongst others. These tools help us get a glimpse of how we are wired, and the best way to align who we are with what we do. But what if there was a tool - a way of understanding who we are- from the Bible? What if we could explore with language and insight from the Bible, our temperament, gifting, strengths and calling?
There is a way for us to do that with the 7 Redemptive/Wiring Gifts found in Romans 12:4-8. There can be no better investment of our time in finding out and being released into who God has made us to be. Join us April 23-27th 2018 for an intensive exploration of who you are to see God release you into the rest of your life.
What Will I Discover on the Divine Fingerprint Course?
1. Understand: and discover your personal redemptive/wiring gift from the Bible
2. Explore: your personal redemptive/wiring gift through coaching and prophetic ministry
3. Look: at how to use your redemptive/wiring gift at home, work and in leadership
4. Discover: and enter into the power and freedom of living from knowing your identity in Christ
5. Bring: your staff and key leaders to see them empowered and released
6. Learn: how you, your staff, and key leaders can release each other around their Divine fingerprints.
7. Find: freedom in Christ from the insecurity and fears that hold us back as leaders
8. Celebrate: Learn to celebrate and cooperate with the Redemptive Gifts of others
Who is Leading the Divine Fingerprint Course?
Tom and Beth Camacho who are the USA coaching coordinators for church planting Vineyard USA.
The Divine Fingerprint course brings together the things Tom and Beth are most passionate about and that underpins the coaching and training they have already done with us. The Divine Fingerprint course sits alongside any training you have had with Tom and Beth already, or as a standalone experience for empowerment and releasing.
Book Your Divine Fingerprint Course Today!
The course runs from Monday lunch time through to Friday lunch time. We’ll have evenings off to enjoy each other’s company and process the experiences of each day.
• Monday afternoon: Introduction and Orientation Introduction to redemptive/wiring gifts
• Tuesday: Flourish Living from the Overflow of God's Love and Your God-given Identity/Wiring/Gifts
• Wednesday: The Seven Redemptive Gifts Detailed Look at the Seven Redemptive Gifts (Rom 12:4-8), Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, and Mercy
• Thursday: Application Day Redemptive Gifts in Marriage, Parenting and family Redemptive Gifts in Leadership and Discipling others Setting Direction as individuals for next steps to Flourishing
• Friday Morning: Next steps Testimonies, Reflections, Q & A Evaluations
To host a Diving Fingerprint Workshop, fill out the form below.