More About "Mining For Gold"

Godly thriving leaders are precious and valuable, but developing those leaders is not easy. Many leaders feel stuck, tired and frustrated in their growth and calling. This can change.

In Mining for Gold , pastor and master-coach, Tom Camacho, offers a fresh perspective on how to draw out the best in ourselves and in those around us. Cutting through the complexity and challenges of leadership development, he gives us practical and effective tools to help leaders grow personally and develop those around them.

Coaching, through the power of the Holy Spirit, provides the clarity and momentum we need to grow. When we get clarity, everything changes. Coaching helps us better understand our identity in Christ, our God-given wiring, and how we naturally bear the most fruit.

There is gold in God’s people, waiting to be discovered. Let’s learn to draw out that treasure and help others flourish in their life and leadership.

About Tom

Tom has a wealth of leadership experience in church planting, missions, non-profits, military aviation, and business (General Electric). His passion is helping leaders thrive. He is the Pastor of Blue Ridge Vineyard Church and the National Coaching Co-ordinator for Multiply Vineyard. He and his wife, Beth, live in Asheville, NC .


"Gold is a rare commodity of great value–mined and refined at great cost– and so is a good leader. Tom, in this practical leadership coaching book, reminds us of the importance of refinement in leadership. Fruitful, multiplying leaders are refined by God and shaped through intentional coaching. This book will help you practically uncover six important principles of thriving leaders and is worth its weight in gold."

Ed Stetzer

Billy Graham Distinguished Chair, Wheaton College

"Tom and I have gotten to know each other in a group of churches called the Vineyard. In our tribe, we have a saying, “Everyone gets to play.” In Tom’s book, Mining for Gold, that phrase comes to life as he helps us empower every person to come alive and get in the game of kingdom ministry. There is treasure in every person who gathers in our churches every week. This book is a great tool to help us discover that treasure and develop leaders who come alive and thrive."

Jay Pathak

Lead Pastor, Mike High Vineyard, Denver, CO

"Once in a while someone comes along with something really life changing. Tom has touched and changed the lives of many hundreds of people with his coaching. Now you can experience that life change with this book too. Learn how powerful coaching can be, how to engage in it, and the transformation it can bring you. Any leader who wants to step into more of who they are and what they are called to be, needs to read this book."

Jason Clark

Senior Pastor, London UK

"I can barely think of a more critical skill for this current mileu of ministry, than coaching. As accessible as it is gracious, Tom gives us a practical path to empowerment, taking us into the deepest possible waters of true servant leadership. I am so grateful for this book."

Brian Sanders

Founder and Executive Director, UNDERGROUND Network

"If you will take the teaching of this book and let it sink deeply into your life, then you and those around you will be on a remarkable journey of transformation and life!  The principles that Tom teaches here are incredibly helpful and I personally have learned from it and seen it bear much fruit in leaders around me.  If you want to be a leader that helps others to thrive and walk forward in their unique God given identity and calling, then this is the book for you.  Tom’s wisdom and generous heart towards the body of Christ mean that his journey in all things coaching is full of credible and godly insight.  Read on and see change!"

Nicola Bass

Pastor, Newcastle, UK

Coaching Coordinator Vineyard UK and Ireland

"I love this book. It will definitely light some fires and save some lives that might otherwise be broken on the altars of ministry.  Tom gets it. Most of God’s investment in those we coach is buried under the dirt of everyday living. 

The book is full of interesting stories of people not fully understanding the value of what’s in front of them.  These stories parallel my own experience both as an young man displaying little potential and later as a coach sometimes overlooking the gold in the life of another. 

The book is a great coaching manual, and his argument for a 'sweet spot' is worth the price. It’s also a good, fun, read. You’ll love it.

Coaching the gold can change our world."

Ralph Moore

Founder of Hope Chapel

"Tom has the heart of a true developer: he loves to see people raised up into who God has made them to be and unleashed in their God-given design. He isn’t just a leader who cares about getting things done; he cares about getting people done and allowing them to flourish in God’s plan for them. Mining for God draws off of Tom’s treasure trove of insight and experience in raising people up through coaching. Developing leaders is such a critical task for the future of the church, and there are priceless keys in this book."

Putty Putman

Founder, School of Kingdom Ministry

Author, Live Like Jesus and Kingdom Impact

More About "Mining For Gold"

Godly thriving leaders are precious and valuable, but developing those leaders is not easy. Many leaders feel stuck, tired and frustrated in their growth and calling. This can change.

In Mining for Gold , pastor and master-coach, Tom Camacho, offers a fresh perspective on how to draw out the best in ourselves and in those around us. Cutting through the complexity and challenges of leadership development, he gives us practical and effective tools to help leaders grow personally and develop those around them.

Coaching, through the power of the Holy Spirit, provides the clarity and momentum we need to grow. When we get clarity, everything changes. Coaching helps us better understand our identity in Christ, our God-given wiring, and how we naturally bear the most fruit.

There is gold in God’s people, waiting to be discovered. Let’s learn to draw out that treasure and help others flourish in their life and leadership.

About Tom

Tom has a wealth of leadership experience in church planting, missions, non-profits, military aviation, and business (General Electric). His passion is helping leaders thrive. He is the Pastor of Blue Ridge Vineyard Church and the National Coaching Co-ordinator for Multiply Vineyard. He and his wife, Beth, live in Asheville, NC .

Mining Day Online Training

Are you a business or ministry leader?  Would you like to be empowered to lead with a clear vision and increase motivation and growth in your team? Do you want to create deeper unity and understanding of purpose in your  business or ministry team?  Then Mining Day is right for you!


"Gold is a rare commodity of great value–mined and refined at great cost– and so is a good leader. Tom, in this practical leadership coaching book, reminds us of the importance of refinement in leadership. Fruitful, multiplying leaders are refined by God and shaped through intentional coaching. This book will help you practically uncover six important principles of thriving leaders and is worth its weight in gold."

Ed Stetzer

Billy Graham Distinguished Chair, Wheaton College

"Tom and I have gotten to know each other in a group of churches called the Vineyard. In our tribe, we have a saying, “Everyone gets to play.” In Tom’s book, Mining for Gold, that phrase comes to life as he helps us empower every person to come alive and get in the game of kingdom ministry. There is treasure in every person who gathers in our churches every week. This book is a great tool to help us discover that treasure and develop leaders who come alive and thrive."

Jay Pathak

Lead Pastor, Mike High Vineyard, Denver, CO

"Once in a while someone comes along with something really life changing. Tom has touched and changed the lives of many hundreds of people with his coaching. Now you can experience that life change with this book too. Learn how powerful coaching can be, how to engage in it, and the transformation it can bring you. Any leader who wants to step into more of who they are and what they are called to be, needs to read this book."

Jason Clark

Senior Pastor, London UK

"I can barely think of a more critical skill for this current mileu of ministry, than coaching. As accessible as it is gracious, Tom gives us a practical path to empowerment, taking us into the deepest possible waters of true servant leadership. I am so grateful for this book."

Brian Sanders

Founder and Executive Director, UNDERGROUND Network

"If you will take the teaching of this book and let it sink deeply into your life, then you and those around you will be on a remarkable journey of transformation and life!  The principles that Tom teaches here are incredibly helpful and I personally have learned from it and seen it bear much fruit in leaders around me.  If you want to be a leader that helps others to thrive and walk forward in their unique God given identity and calling, then this is the book for you.  Tom’s wisdom and generous heart towards the body of Christ mean that his journey in all things coaching is full of credible and godly insight.  Read on and see change!"

Nicola Bass

Pastor, Newcastle, UK

Coaching Coordinator Vineyard UK and Ireland

"I love this book. It will definitely light some fires and save some lives that might otherwise be broken on the altars of ministry.  Tom gets it. Most of God’s investment in those we coach is buried under the dirt of everyday living. 

The book is full of interesting stories of people not fully understanding the value of what’s in front of them.  These stories parallel my own experience both as an young man displaying little potential and later as a coach sometimes overlooking the gold in the life of another. 

The book is a great coaching manual, and his argument for a 'sweet spot' is worth the price. It’s also a good, fun, read. You’ll love it.

Coaching the gold can change our world."

Ralph Moore

Founder of Hope Chapel

"Tom has the heart of a true developer: he loves to see people raised up into who God has made them to be and unleashed in their God-given design. He isn’t just a leader who cares about getting things done; he cares about getting people done and allowing them to flourish in God’s plan for them. Mining for God draws off of Tom’s treasure trove of insight and experience in raising people up through coaching. Developing leaders is such a critical task for the future of the church, and there are priceless keys in this book."

Putty Putman

Founder, School of Kingdom Ministry

Author, Live Like Jesus and Kingdom Impact